Life story of a seafaring grandfather, J.C Bender (1867-1952)

Life story of a seafaring grandfather, J.C Bender
This blog is written by Fred, (W.F) Bender (VI
I), the last male member of the Bender family.
As the youngest grandson of my grandfather J.C Bender, I have been managed by his personal archive, which fortunately has been preserved in good condition for all those years.
The archive material was found in a black-painted zinc box with grandfather's name on it.
Documentation found
by the editor:
- map material about the sea voyages undertaken
-many photos at various locations
- Diplomas / certificates and the final letter of resignation from the government 's naval service.
-Booklet with details of the dates and port locations that have been visited en route.
-Temorial (textile) 25th wedding anniversary of my grandfather's parents (W.F. Bender (I),
born aprox 1834)­
-Medaille Military Order of William of the third class. (unfortunately no accompanying certificate)

History or the W.F Bender members (last edited in 2023 with new found information)

Grand-grandfather W.F.Bender (I) born 1836 died 1911
Grandfather J.C.Bender                  born 1867 died 1952
Grand-uncle W.F.Bender (II) , brother from my grandfather born aprox 1870
W.F.Bender (III) , son of W.F.Bender (II)
W.F.Bender (IV) born 1901, died 1906) older brother of my father W.F.Bender (V)
My father   W.F.Bender (V) born 1909 died 1990
My brother W.F.Bender (VI) born 1948, died in 1949
Your editor W.F.Bender (VII) born in 1951

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Regards,      Fred Bender , editor/archivist Issue : june 2023
                    (Newly found information of my uncle W.F.Bender (IV)

Editor Fred Bender  shared an album with you

1898 grandfather J.C Bender back in the naval harbour of den Helder

The J.C Bender archive. Edited by grandson Fred (W.F) Bender
View album
Kept shiplogbook of J.C Bender from day to day -[internetlink]- (move [back <==] and [forward ==>] trough the slides)



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